Pattern on pattern and color on color.Qiana is wild, bright, and adventurous.
I designed Qiana almost 10 years ago and recently had so much fun sprucing her up a bit and adding new colorways. She's available in wallpaper, textiles, and home goods. Check her out today!
QNRT, how I love thee.Before I describe my next few sessions, I want to talk about how I've felt since the first 3 sessions of QNRT:
Better. I've felt so much better! My sessions tend to always go back to my gut issues and my limbic system being dysregulated. These two issues have wreaked havoc on my life. Since having QNRT done, my digestion has improved a ton and I'm calmer all the time. I've been in a few situations since, where I've actually caught myself waiting for my limbic system to dysregulate and it hasn't. Didn't stir at all. I continue to have ZERO anxiety at night after the first QNRT session. My digestion has been better. I'm not painfully bloated every second of every day. My skin has cleared up a great deal. This stuff is magic. It's brilliant. I'm hooked. Wanting to learn more, I jumped on instagram looking for QNRT accounts to follow to see how others are feeling and learn more about the science behind it. And, there's almost NOTHING. Sadly, it turns out that the guy who created it sends out cease and desists like they're party flyers to anyone he thinks might be giving away his proprietary information. It's sad that he holds back his own creation from spreading into the world and helping so many people. I can't imagine the work that went into creating this process. The inventor deserves to be rewarded for that. But, I believe in abundance and that he would make even more money if he allowed information to get out there about his incredible creation. But, what can you do? What a sad world. Money and greed kill progress and healing again. Lame. *I'm not a doctor, nutritionist, or any kind of medical professional. None of this is medical advice. Always seek advice from your doctor before changing your diet and/or healing routine. I am just a human sharing my experience with this protocol. If you're new here you might want to: I've been on the bean protocol for 540 days.Although I've hit so many roadblocks along the way, I'm still pushing forward and hoping for the best. Below is a summary of my life events for the last 90 days with the overview following, as per usual. Merry Christmas everyone!
Claire Nakti brings Vedic Astrology to life.This girl deep dives like no other and I absolutely love watching her thorough videos on her findings. She creates large data bases of celebrities, musicians, writers, directors, etc and their Vedic astrology primary placements. Then, she analyzes the themes of how they dress, events in their lives, stories they write, roles played, and so on. She analyzes which placements are most common for the wealthiest signs, the most creative, the funniest, most likely to be a serial killer, and even the signs most likely to be an Instagram Model. Some videos are short, just over 10 minutes and others stretch to almost 2 hours. Yet, I find myself re-watching them over and over. You don't need to be into astrology to watch these deep dives.I've enjoyed learning about Vedic astrology along the way but what continues to fascinate me is her explanation and breakdown of symbolism in modern culture and media. If you want a starting point, you can check out the videos on my primary placements below.
Hi, I'm Dana.I love art, design, vintage goods, healthy living, and weirdo fringe stuff.
I design wallpaper and textiles under the name Dolphin & Condor. I have my own line of pillows based on the periodic table called Element Pillows. I have an ugly Christmas sweater shop called My Ugly Sweater. I edit and sell vintage photos under the handle Photo Trade Co. And, so much more! Can you tell I enjoy working? Categories
August 2024