Badass collage of the Nasa logo and snake to show how the red wing shape in Nasa's logo looks like a snakes tongue. Not sure who to credit for this image so message me if it's your, I'm happy to give credit. Come with me, won't you?Down the rabbit hole into a corner of the Flat Earth world. This is not a deep dive. I'm sure there are many facets of Flat Earth theory and today, we're only going to explore one. That's because I spent 12 hours watching Ewaranon content on bitchute. That's only 2 videos btw. This is NOT a post to shit on Flat Earthers but also... I am NOT a Flat Earther.I'm just a super curious person and I love a good alternative truth of reality theory. For me, it's really fun to think about the truth of our world and what it could possibly be. Sometimes I wonder if South Park was right and we're just a reality TV show for the universe. Let's face it, life, matter, and consciousness are fucking bizarre. The one thing I know to be true is that our world gets more and more strange with each year.
In 2018 as well, there was an old Flat Earth dude in a Californian desert trying to shoot himself into the sky via a homemade rocket. I LOVED reading about this guy. I really appreciated his passion and courage. You could not pay me to set foot on a commercial rocket, let alone a homemade one. I like my feet on solid ground. But this guy, he was going full in. If I remember correctly, his first attempt was cancelled due to weather and his second attempt was a success but he didn't travel up high enough. Then, I heard he had died. His rocket crashed with him inside it on what I'm guessing was another attempt to see Flat Earth. RIP Mad Mike, you were a total bad ass. His attempts to see for himself if the Earth truly was flat were not only ballsy as fuck but they reminded me of something I used to say when I first learned about Flat Earth and that was "Send Flat Earthers to the moon!" I said it half jokingly but, I really do think it would be interesting for NASA to include some Flat Earth people in their missions. If there's nothing to hide, why not let one on board to see for themselves. And, a moon mission would be the perfect start. I'll get into why that is more later. Four years went by without me thinking much about Flat Earth at all. Enter the Ewaranon videos.
The videos I watched are: "The Lost History of Earth" and "What on Earth Happened" Surprisingly, most of these videos were not directly about Flat Earth at all.There's hours of other content that paints history and science in a totally new light. Ewaranon claims that an ancient civilization built much of the impressive structures we see today and they were able to do this by understanding that the Earth was flat. He also claims that civilization as we know it has only existed for the last 200 years or so. At some point before our time, the Earth was populated with silicon-based lifeforms (it may have only been the trees that were silicon-based) and giants. It's too much for me to cover it all in this post but below are a few interesting things I remember. Btw, I watched these without taking notes. I wasn't planning on writing about them. So, this is mostly from memory.
Secondly, I thought of the exposure time. It had to be long as hell, like hours long. I have my BFA in Photography (printmaking and painting as well). I went to photography school just before digital cameras took off. So, I spent a ton of time in the dark room processing negatives and pulling prints. And, of course, I shot only on film that whole time. I don't consider myself an expert but I do have a decent understanding of film cameras and their history. I bought some old cameras in my college years (2000-2004) and rigged them so I could shoot modern day medium format film in them (the film for those cameras was taller than current day medium format film). I was easily able to get decent photos from those old cameras without crazy long exposure times. But, those cameras, although ancient to me, were still about 50 years older than any camera in the late 1800s. A lot can improve in that amount of time. And, I didn't try to take any photos where there would be people in the frame. I thought about it more and wondered where the ghost like shapes were if people had been passing through the frame during exposure. Maybe that ancient emulsion was not sensitive enough to pick that up? It's totally possible. Especially given how long the exposure time needed to be. That just gives more time to etch in anything that is perfectly still. I think of all the long-exposure night photography I did. If I was careful, I could paint light into a scene without a hint that I had even been in front of the camera and those exposure times were in minutes not hours. Yes, that was at night and not possible during the day now, but back then, with early-on photography equipment and materials, I wouldn't be surprised if it were completely possible. I even wondered why there aren't flashes of light captured like in a situation where something metallic passed through the frame and reflected sunlight back into the camera. With this scenario, the sun would need to be at the photographer's back so it is able to hit something metallic and bounce that light back. I'm sure this is possible with some other angles as well. And, the photo above looks like the light source is up and to our right. So, behind the photographer and to their right. Because the right side of the building is brighter and you can clearly see the the shadow on the left side of the building being created by the front portion where the pillars jut out. But, again, I could see those quick flashes being nothing to the hours long exposure time. The lighting makes me think it's either early morning (sunrise) or early evening (sunset). Maybe it was a time where not may people were out due to sleeping or dinner? In any case, It would be very interesting to get ahold of a similar camera today, with similar emulsion and try it out during a busy city day. Screenshot taken from "The Lost History of Earth". The red circle on the left shows the "boat" I reference below and the circle on the right shows a crisp shadow, also referenced below. One thing that is highly suspicious to me is a different photograph he shows where there is a canal with a boat (I think), circled in red above. How can boats be in focus and there be no people? Did boats hardly move back then? I highly doubt it. I learned how to sail by spending a month on sailboats in the Sea of Cortez in January of 2009. Even when there were crazy strong winds and we had to paddle the boats against the waves to the shore, we travelled at a speed too fast to be picked up by those cameras (if exposure length is why there are no people in the photos). And, the boat in the photo is in a canal with no waves on what appears to be a calm and clear day. Maybe it's docked and not moving? It also kind of looks like 2 boats one before the other. Maybe they aren't boats and are a landmass? It would make more sense. But, then why does it look so different from the land mass that creates the bank off on the right? If it is a boat (or 2 boats), how the hell is it in focus? The other thing I noticed were the shadows in the photo. If you're exposing film for hours, wouldn't the shadows appear kind of blurry as the sun traveled along the day? But, the shadows in that photo look pretty crisp. A couple quick thoughts before moving on:
So, I'm not really sold on the idea that cities were empty then. They very well could have been but, long exposure photography with clunky technology could easily be the case. But, it is very bizarre and fun to think about. And, I'm still left scratching my head. Giant silicon-based life used to populate Earth.We're talking massive trees and a civilization of giants. But, when our Earth was mined for resources, the trees were chopped down leaving behind some of the unique and huge geological landmarks we see today as well as mountains.
The thought of there being these epic silicon-based trees is such a cool idea to me. And, I can only imagine how breathtaking it would be to see something like that. Just their stumps alone dwarf our trees. It makes me think that if these silicon-based trees existed today, I can imagine them being so tall we wouldn't be able to see anything beyond their trunks. I'm getting "Jack and the Beanstalk" vibes. As you may have noticed, a lot of these formations are flat on top. and, that, it is claimed, is due to harvesting. It wasn't just trees being harvested. Ewaranon claims that a lot of the Earth was harvested and that is why we see anomalies like the Mariana Trench. That it was dug out to harvest whatever was contained there (I can't remember if he said what he thought was harvested from it). So, the Earth had been completely ransacked at some point. It makes me wonder what kind of civilization could have done this? When reading about Flat Earth theory, I mostly think of sci-fi tales. Ancient Earth being pillaged by an alien civilization... I want to watch that movie. The closest I've gotten to geology is having a rock collection as a kid so I can't speak to any of this. Or how a silicon-based tree would grow, eat, and survive. But, I love the idea of it all. Let's not bring dinosaurs back, I'd rather science focus on creating some mega trees. Unless they'd emit some kind of poison into our atmosphere. But, it seems as though silicon-based life forms wouldn't emit anything... Moving on! Cathedrals are really power plants.This is something so far out of the box that I don't think I would have ever thought of it. It's truly creative and pretty fun to think about. Ewaranon claims that Cathedrals were constructed by another civilization to serve as power plants. That their high towers pulled in energy from the ionosphere that worked its way down to where a star (I think) was sitting inside the structures. And, that this whole process created free power sources "all over the weowd" Sorry, couldn't help myself. I mean no harm :) I wish I knew more about electrical engineering. I actually signed up for an engineering course last year (electrical and mechanical) but I had to cancel before it started when I found out my mom had cancer and I had to fly home to help her. Life has been pretty hectic since and I'm now living with my parents. It isn't the best environment for building things for the course so, I'm planning on taking it whenever I'm settled in to my own place again. Whenever that will be. So with that being said, I can't speak to a lot of what he says about how the electricity was collected and stored. Even though I used to build electronics and I have a basic understanding of electronic components. I spent that time just soldering the components into the correct spots and didn't have the bandwidth then to dive any further. So, this topic is fully outside of my wheelhouse.
I totally get it. There are so many massive and elaborate structures in our world. It's mind boggling as to how they could have been built, especially before modern day construction techniques and equipment. And, I totally get how someone could easily question how those structures came to be, but to just dismiss the shear tenacity of the human spirit and label them impossible was really jarring and, if I'm being frank, annoying. I'm all for questioning what we've been told, especially when it seems so unlikely or unfathomable but to fully shut down any other option without solid evidence otherwise is just plain dismissive and could keep you from the truth if your initial assumption is flat out wrong. Staying just a bit open can help so much on your path to truth. I said in the beginning that I am NOT a Flat Earther, and that's true, but that doesn't mean I completely dismiss it. I'm a 90% globe 10% everything's-a-lie-and-it's-flat kind of girl. When I hear the sound of hoofs I don't look for zebras, I look for horses but, zebras exist and sometimes it's a zebra. Anyway, let's move on to some thoughts I do have about these large buildings. And, those are:
I'd write more about this, but, like I said, electrical engineering is not my thing (yet). I highly recommend watching this whole section for yourself because it is totally fascinating and entertaining. Let's touch on one more thing before we get into what the Flat Earth looks like. You can make a tiny star in a glass of water using sound vibrations.
Does this mean all the light we see could possibly exist because of a sound vibration coming from the 4th dimension? Does that mean our whole universe could be a speck in the 4th dimension lit up by a single note in song a 4th dimensional being is singing or playing? Or a tone from their fart? Are we fart dust? No, I'm not high. And, I'm not religious either but what I keep thinking about now is the book of genesis. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light." According to the Bible, God spoke light into existence. He spoke other things into existence too but started with light. A sound wave from God's voice created the light of our world just like how we can create a tiny light via sound in a tiny world. I'd write more but I'm still pretty speechless about this whole phenomena. Our strange world just gets weirder by the day and I love it. Now, finally, on to what the Flat Earth universe looks like... The Earth is Flat and it's covered by a dome.The dome is called the firmament*. Within the dome are a disc shaped sun and moon that rotate like the hands of a clock. The firmament is made of a crystal/glass material and there's water above it. The other planets and stars are located outside the dome. The North Pole houses a giant hole into the Earth and within that is a big magnet. Antartica is not a landmass at the bottom of our world, it's a ring of ice that encircles the world as we know it. And, beyond the ice wall that is Antartica are large frozen land masses. * Do NOT turn these movies into a drinking game where you drink every time he says firmament. Someone could die. lol The moon is made of plasma.And, it has a flat Earth map etched into it! I don't know why, but I always pictured most Flat Earthers to be a bit lazy and deciding from their own distrust of the media/government (I don't trust the media/government either) that everything must be a lie. But, that is not true at all. I was continuously taken aback by the level of thought and effort that went into not only this film but the materials used within it. See below, the plasma moon that has a mirror image imprint of the earth on it. The flipped moon image with water, land, and labels defined/added. The faint red circles encircle the world as we know it and the area where the moon and sun circle. Moon screenshots taken from "The World Map Presentation Vol 2" video. This brings us back to where I mentioned earlier about sending Flat Earthers to the moon. If the moon really is made from plasma, then we can't land on it.
I know about the subsequent Apollo missions but I find it strange that NASA uses the excuse of lost tech instead of just stating it's too expensive and not worth it. I just keep hoping one of these billionaires ends up being able to get to the moon. Maybe it would be worth it if they could build a hotel there for wealthy people to vacation. Enough of that, let's get back to that hot Flat-Earth action.
Badly photoshopped overlay of the plasma reflection of Flat Earth over the Astronomy Clock in Prague. Our magnetic North Pole controls the sun and moon's orbit.And, since magnetic north continues to migrate (magnetic north has been shifting toward Russia), it continues to shift their orbit. This shift causes some parts of the world to get colder and others to warm. Climate change? That means, given a long enough amount of time, the entire world as we know it could be completely iced over and those other land masses will be thawed out and uncovered. And, if that's the case, that means at one time they were uncovered before and possibly teaming with life. Yet another sci-fi movie I would totally watch. Anyway, Ewaranon breaks down the timing and details of all of this, so if you're thirsty for a more in-depth explanation, I recommend watching his videos. Now that you have an idea of what the flat earth looks like, let's talk flight patterns real quick.I remember as a kid wondering why planes and boats travelled in the patterns that they do, sticking close to land. And, my parents explained to me that it was a safety precaution and can also be for navigation purposes. If something were to go wrong you're close to land and you can also use landmarks to know where you are. Makes sense. I do see the Flat Earth argument pictured above, it does make more sense to stop in Dubai on your way to Perth from South Africa on a flat Earth vs a globe. So, I grabbed my globe that I have at home. I wanted to look at other flight patterns and compare distances. I know the Earth may be more pear-shaped making the southern hemisphere larger but, a globe is all I have and it's close enough. South Africa and Australia do look pretty far apart with only the Indian Ocean in between. When I stretch my hand across the distance it's from my middle finger to my thumb. I wondered if there were large gaps like that anywhere else in the world. As I spun my globe, I noticed something. The distance between Sydney, Australia and Los Angeles, USA is MASSIVE. It dwarfs, the distance between Johannesburg, South Africa and Perth, Australia. And, people fly that all the time. With my hand stretched across, you can barely see Australia at the tip of my middle finger and my thumb is in the middle of the Pacific Ocean with only a faint hint of continental USA in the far upper right hand corner of the photo. I had to see these to fight paths on a flat Earth map for comparison. Original Flat Earth map from the Flat Earth Society. I added in the red lines to show flight patterns. On a flat Earth map, the distance from Sydney to LA is very similar to the distance from Qatar (or Dubai) to Perth. I looked up the actual flight times are they're similar as well with the flight to LA being a couple of hours longer. Below are screen grabs of the flight information I used. The flight from South Africa to Perth is broken down as it has one stop in Qatar and I didn't want that 3 hour layover to be reflected in the flight time. I wanted to show exactly how long each flight was. I also included a screenshot of the distance between Qatar and Dubai since the flat Earth map at the beginning of this section shows Dubai as the layover but I could only find flights that cut through Qatar. They're super close to each other. Although compelling, there can be a lot of reasons why an airline doesn't have a direct flight from one place to another, like not enough demand. I think this is more likely the case as Perth isn't as populated as other Australian cities and there are non-stop flights from Johannesburg to Sydney which is a way further distance away. Australia is similar in size to the US. With Sydney sitting on its east coast and Perth on the west coast (much closer to Johannesburg). I was able to easily find a non-stop flight from Johannesburg to Sydney. And, it's just shy of 12 hours long. How would that be possible on a flat Earth? If you look at the map below, it makes no sense. But anyway, lets stick with the premise that the Earth's flat and covered by a dome and there's more continents than we thought. What's the big deal? Why would anyone try to hide this?This is ALWAYS my first thought when I hear of a conspiracy. Before I even try to suss out whether I think it's true or not, I wonder why anyone would go at great lengths to hide the truth. Obviously, it always comes down to money and/or power. And, globe Earth apparently comes down to the ultimate power struggle. God vs Satan.
Hi, I'm Dana.I love art, design, vintage goods, healthy living, and weirdo fringe stuff.
I design wallpaper and textiles under the name Dolphin & Condor. I have my own line of pillows based on the periodic table called Element Pillows. I have an ugly Christmas sweater shop called My Ugly Sweater. I edit and sell vintage photos under the handle Photo Trade Co. And, so much more! Can you tell I enjoy working? Categories
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