AI just gets creepier and creepier.
I'm not complaining. I think it's fascinating what's possible with machine learning. And, because of that, more and more I am convinced we're living in a simulation. All of the faces you see in this post were created with machine learning. I explain a bit more about it at the bottom of the post.
So, where did these faces come from?
A website called This Person Does Not Exist using a machine learning generative model. Hopefully I phrased that correctly. I don't code so I feel like I'm trying to describe an alien using its own language that I'm not familiar with. But, if you want to know all the facts, you can watch these 3 videos below.
And, it works on more than just faces.
You can automatically generate cats, horses, chemicals, and art. If you have an image set of anything, you can train your own generative model. In the tweet below, Alexander Reben generated album covers from a set of 50,000 album cover images.
So, yeah.
I was going to write about all the possible implications of technology like this and how I think it will eventually touch all of our lives in many ways but it was getting long and rambling and I think it's easy to see that generative modeling will continue to progress and improve like we've seen with other tech. It's another factor in our world to keep us on our toes and questioning if what we're seeing online is actually real and/or even deeper, what does 'real' even mean anyway?
Hi, I'm Dana.I love art, design, vintage goods, healthy living, and weirdo fringe stuff.
I design wallpaper and textiles under the name Dolphin & Condor. I have my own line of pillows based on the periodic table called Element Pillows. I have an ugly Christmas sweater shop called My Ugly Sweater. I edit and sell vintage photos under the handle Photo Trade Co. And, so much more! Can you tell I enjoy working? Categories
August 2024